Trims rows and columns from the edges of a surface matrix that contain missing values only.
x3p object of the same or smaller dimension where missing values are removed from the boundaries
logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
logo$surface.matrix[logo$surface.matrix == median(logo$surface.matrix)] <- NA
x3p_trim_na(logo) # reduced to dimension: 668 by 268
#> x3p object
#> Instrument: N/A
#> Model: N/A
#> Date: 2018-01-30T08:30:24
#> size (width x height): 669 x 269 in pixel
#> resolution: 6.4500e-07 x 6.4500e-07
#> Creator: Heike Hofmann, CSAFE
#> Comment: image rendered from the CSAFE logo; cropped from location (36,74)