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x3ptools (development version)


minor functionality

  • x3p_read_folder allows an import of multiple x3p files (recursively) into a single data frame (in tibble format) with a list variable of x3p objects.
  • dim.x3p just for convenience.

bug fixes

  • fix to x3p_rotate in an obscure situation

x3ptools 0.0.4

CRAN release: 2024-01-30

major functionality

  • tmd_to_x3p allows an import of a file in TMD format (natively supported by GelSight instruments) to x3p
  • x3p_bin_stripes color-shade the mask by row or column-based gradient
  • x3p_shade_mask color-shade the mask of an x3p by its surface profile
  • x3p_circle_select interactively select a circle on an x3p surface by selecting three points
  • update x3p_read and x3p_write to allow vendor specific information

minor functionality

  • x3p_extract_profile_segments interactive function for drawing lines in segments
  • added convenience parameter create_dir in x3p_write to create necessary directory structure
  • x3p_image remove previously deprecated parameters crosscut and ccParam
  • x3p_image change functionality of parameter size for convenience working with cartridge case scans (make window size proportional to surface), default behavior for bullet scans is unchanged.
  • updates to documentation

bug fixes

  • keep mask when averaging in x3p_average
  • preserve annotations when casting to a data frame

x3ptools 0.0.3

CRAN release: 2021-11-26


  • x3p_snapshot lets you take a snapshot of the currently active rgl device. The extension of the file determines the format.
  • x3p_mask_quantile adds a region to the mask of an x3p object corresponding to the area between two specified quantiles
  • x3p_trim_na trim x3p to remove missing values along the edge of the surface matrix
  • x3p_extract subset an x3p file based on specified mask values
  • x3p_extract_profile extract data set containing profile between two interactively identified points on the surface of the scan
  • x3p_select interactively select a rectangle on an x3p surface
  • x3p_fuzzyselect repeatedly select a rectangle of interest, expand selection to include similar values based on robust linear model
  • stl_to_x3p convert STL files of topographic surfaces to x3p files

minor functionality

  • add functions in form of x3p_* to adhere to tidyverse conventions

bug fixes

x3ptools 0.0.2

CRAN release: 2019-03-27


  • sample_x3p:
    • sample at different rates in x and y direction (using parameters m and mY)
    • sample at offset accessible through parameters offset and offsetY
  • functionality to work with meta data:
    • x3p_show_xml to identify and show elements of the meta file based on names
    • x3p_modify_xml to modify individual elements
  • functionality to overlay 3d surface data with color information:
    • adding/creating masks to overlay surfaces with color raster images
    • x3p_add_vline, x3p_add_vline, x3p_add_grid: add lines on top of rendered scan surface by manipulating the mask

minor functionality

  • testing routines added with coverage > 90%
  • print.x3p and head.x3p provide a succinct summary of scan meta information
  • enabled URL read of x3p files
  • include svg as an option for file save from image_x3p
  • read_x3p and write_x3p check xml meta file for specification of float size

bug fixes

x3ptools 0.0.1

CRAN release: 2018-04-05

initial release to CRAN