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x3p objects can be presented in different units. ISO standard 5436_2 asks for specification of values in meters. For topographic surfaces collected by microscopes values in microns are more readable. This functions allows to convert between different units.


x3p_scale_unit(x3p, scale_by)



object in x3p format, 3d topographic surface.


numeric value. Value the surface to be scaled by. While not enforced, values of scale_by make most sense as multiples of 10 (for a metric system).


x3p with header information in microns


logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
logo # measurements in meters
#> x3p object
#> Instrument: N/A 
#> Model: N/A 
#> Date: 2018-01-30T08:30:24 
#> size (width x height): 741 x 419 in pixel 
#> resolution: 6.4500e-07 x 6.4500e-07 
#> Creator: Heike Hofmann, CSAFE 
#> Comment: image rendered from the CSAFE logo 
x3p_scale_unit(logo, scale_by=10^6) # measurements in microns
#> x3p object
#> Instrument: N/A 
#> Model: N/A 
#> Date: 2018-01-30T08:30:24 
#> size (width x height): 741 x 419 in pixel 
#> resolution: 6.4500e-01 x 6.4500e-01 
#> Creator: Heike Hofmann, CSAFE 
#> Comment: image rendered from the CSAFE logo