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Identify xml fields in the meta file of an x3p object by name and modify content if uniquely described.


x3p_modify_xml(x3p, element, value)



x3p object


character or integer. In case of character, name of xml field in the meta file. Note that element can contain regular expressions, e.g. "*" returns all meta fields. In case of integer, element is used as an index for the meta fields.


character. Value to be given to the xml field in the meta file.


x3p object with changed meta information


logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
x3p_show_xml(logo, "creator")
#> $Creator
#> [1] "Heike Hofmann, CSAFE"
x3p_modify_xml(logo, "creator", "I did that")
#> x3p object
#> Instrument: N/A 
#> size (width x height): 741 x 419 in pixel 
#> resolution: 6.4500e-07 x 6.4500e-07 
#> Creator: I did that 
#> Comment: image rendered from the CSAFE logo 
x3p_show_xml(logo, 20)
#> $Creator
#> [1] "Heike Hofmann, CSAFE"
x3p_modify_xml(logo, 20, "I did that, too")
#> x3p object
#> Instrument: N/A 
#> size (width x height): 741 x 419 in pixel 
#> resolution: 6.4500e-07 x 6.4500e-07 
#> Creator: I did that, too 
#> Comment: image rendered from the CSAFE logo