Select a circle area on the surface of an x3p file using rgl
In the active rgl window select a circle on the scan's surface by clicking on three points along the circumference. Make sure that x3p file and the rgl window match. If no rgl window is active, an rgl window opens with the scan.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (interactive) {
if (!file.exists("fadul1-1.x3p")) {
url <- ""
file <- "2d9cc51f-6f66-40a0-973a-a9292dbee36d"
download.file(file.path(url, file), destfile="fadul1-1.x3p")
x3p <- x3p_read("fadul1-1.x3p")
x3p_image(x3p, size=c(500,500), zoom=.8)
x3p <- x3p_circle_select(x3p, update=TRUE, col="#FF0000")
logo <- x3p_read(system.file("csafe-logo.x3p", package="x3ptools"))
x3p_image(logo, size=c(500,500), zoom = 1)
x3p_circle_select(logo, update=TRUE, col="#00FF00")
}} # }