Shift region on a map

shift(map, condition = NULL, shift_by = c(0, 0), set_to = NULL)



map object as generated by `process_shape` or `ggplot2::map_data`


logical expression describing the subset of the map to use for the scaling


numeric vector of length 2. Relative shift in geographic latitude and longitude.


numeric vector of length 2. Set center of the region (defined by range in lat and long) to this longitude and latitude


data(states) states %>% shift(DIVISION == "1", shift_by=c(7.5, 0)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "2", shift_by=c(5, 0)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "3", shift_by=c(2.5, 0)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "5", shift_by=c(5, -1.5)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "6", shift_by=c(2.5, -1.5)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "9", shift_by=c(-5, 0)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "8", shift_by=c(-2.5, 0)) %>% shift(DIVISION == "7", shift_by=c(0, -1.5)) %>% filter(lat > 20) %>% ggplot(aes(long, lat)) + geom_polygon(aes(group=group, fill=factor(DIVISION)))
states01 %>% shift(REGION == "4", shift_by=c(-2.5, 0)) %>% shift(REGION == "1", shift_by=c(1.25, 0)) %>% shift(REGION == "3", shift_by=c(0, -1.25)) %>% filter(lat > 20) %>% ggplot(aes(long, lat)) + geom_polygon(aes(group=group, fill=factor(REGION)))
#> Error in eval(lhs, parent, parent): object 'states01' not found