
Eric Hare & Andee Kaplan
October 8, 2014

What is IPython?

Rich architecture for interactive computing with:

  • Powerful Python shells (terminal and Qt-based).
  • A web-based notebook with the same core features but support for code, text, mathematical expressions, inline plots and other rich media.
  • Support for interactive data visualization and use of GUI toolkits.
  • Flexible, embeddable interpreters to load into your own projects.
  • Easy to use, high performance tools for parallel computing.


IPython \(\rightarrow\) Project Jupyter

Created in Summer 2014 by the IPython development team to carry forward a vision of reproducible interactive computing for all programming languages:

  • Python
  • Julia
  • R
  • Ruby, Haskell, Scala, Go, etc.

Jupyter goals

A home for the language independent parts of the architecture:

  • A network protocol for applications to talk to kernels that run code for interactive computations.
  • A set of applications that enable users to write and run code on those kernels.
  • Notebook file format and conversion tools (nbconvert).
  • Notebook sharing service (https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/).



IJulia is a Julia-language backend (kernel) for use with IPython/Jupyter notebooks.

You can run an IJulia notebook a few different ways:

  • In Julia, at the julia> prompt, you can type
using IJulia
  • Alternatively, you can run from the command line
ipython notebook --profile julia



A multi-user server to manage and proxy multiple instances of the single-user IPython Jupyter notebook server.

With oauthenticator plugin, able to use GitHub usernames as login!

Currently in development, so be kind.


Try it out!


  1. Install GitHub/development version (3.0) of IPython at https://github.com/ipython/ipython (Use sudo for system-wide installation)
  2. Follow the installation steps for jupyterhub at https://github.com/jupyter/jupyterhub
  3. (Optional) For GitHub authentication:
  4. Run server with sudo jupyterhub
  5. Browse to http://localhost:8000

Adding Kernels = Hours of frustration

  1. For R Kernel:
  2. For Julia Kernel:
    • Install IJulia by running Pkg.add("IJulia") from your julia session
    • Create a file /home/$USER/.ipython/kernels/julia/kernel.json where $USER is your system username
    • Add the text {"display_name":"Julia","argv": ["/usr/bin/julia","-i","-F", "/home/$USER/.julia/v0.3/IJulia/src/kernel.jl", "{connection_file}"],"language":"julia", "codemirror_mode":"julia"} where $USER is once again your system username

Colaboratory - The future?

Create and store notebooks in Google Drive and allow for collaborative editing of notebooks using

  1. The CoLaboratory Chrome App.
  2. CoLaboratory with Classic Jupyter Kernels.


  • Chrome Beta or Dev version
  • IPython version 2.x (Not 3.0!)

Choose your own adventure (kernel)!

  1. Make sure IPython 2.x is the version installed (upgrade or downgrade as necessary)
  2. Follow instructions to install Colaboratory here: https://github.com/jupyter/colaboratory/
  3. Install IJulia
  4. cd colaboratory
  5. python -m colaboratory --profile julia

But what about R?

  1. Install IRKernel from https://github.com/takluyver/IRkernel
  2. cp -Rf ~/.ipython/profile_julia ~/.ipython/profile_R
  3. edit ipython_config.py to contain the line:

    c.KernelManager.kernel_cmd = ['R', '-e', 'IRkernel::main()', '--args', '{connection_file}']
  4. python -m colaboratory --profile R