Midwest Big Data Summer School

Working with data in R

June 21 & 23, 2016

Tuesday, June 21 2016 Introduction to R
2:10pm - 3:10pm,
3:40pm - 5:30pm
You have heard of the software R and are interested, but haven't found the time, yet... - in short you are (almost) absolutely new to R. Welcome! This is the course for you! Learn the basics of R and how to write your own R scripts. You will also learn the basics of using the Knitr package to write reports, webpages, and take notes using R. Your analysis will be fully reproducible, so no more wondering what series of commands produced each plot or table - Your documents will be generated dynamically!
Thursday, June 23 2016 ggplot2 graphics with R
2:10pm - 3:10pm,
3:40pm - 5:30pm
ggplot2: One graphics package to rule them all! The package ggplot2 gives a framework to produce elegant, high-end graphical displays following the technical framework of the Grammar of Graphics (Wilkinson 2000). We will use a lot of data examples to work through the basic plots as well as more advanced tools, such as facetting, colors, shapes and more.
Maps, time series charts and some dynamic graphics? - ggplot2 can help you with that!