class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Reading Files ### Haley Jeppson, Sam Tyner --- ## Data in Excel - Formats xls and csv - what's the difference? - File extensions xls and xlsx are proprietary Excel formats, binary files - csv is an extension for Comma Separated Value files. They are text files - directly readable. - Example: Gas prices in midwest since 1994 --- ## Gas Prices in the Midwest ```r library(readr) midwest <- read_csv("") head(midwest) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 11 ## `Year-Month` `Week 1` X3 `Week 2` X5 `Week 3` X7 `Week 4` X9 ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 <NA> End Date Value End Date Value End Date Value End Date Value ## 2 1994-Nov <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 28-Nov 1.122 ## 3 1994-Dec 5-Dec 1.086 12-Dec 1.057 19-Dec 1.039 26-Dec 1.027 ## 4 1995-Jan 2-Jan 1.025 9-Jan 1.046 16-Jan 1.031 23-Jan 1.054 ## 5 1995-Feb 6-Feb 1.045 13-Feb 1.04 20-Feb 1.031 27-Feb 1.052 ## 6 1995-Mar 6-Mar 1.053 13-Mar 1.042 20-Mar 1.048 27-Mar 1.065 ## # ... with 2 more variables: `Week 5` <chr>, X11 <chr> ``` --- ## `read_csv` vs. `read_*` `read_csv` is just one way to read a file using the `readr` package: - `read_delim`: the most generic function. Use the `delim` argument to read a file with any type of delimiter - `read_tsv`: read tab separated files - `read_lines`: read a file into a vector that has one element per line of the file - `read_file`: read a file into a single character element - `read_table`: read a file separated by space --- class: inverse ## Your Turn Have a look at the parameters of `read_csv` to solve the following problems: 1. Read the first two lines of the file into an object called `midwest_names` 2. Read everything EXCEPT the first two lines into an object called `midwest_data` Hint: Visit to download the data and look at it in Excel to help figure out what the issue is. --- ## Quick Lesson in Data Cleaning ```r library(lubridate) library(tidyverse) values <- c(midwest_data$X3, midwest_data$X5, midwest_data$X7, midwest_data$X9, midwest_data$X11) dates <- c(paste(midwest_data$X1, midwest_data$X2, sep = "-"), paste(midwest_data$X1, midwest_data$X4, sep = "-"), paste(midwest_data$X1, midwest_data$X6, sep = "-"), paste(midwest_data$X1, midwest_data$X8, sep = "-"), paste(midwest_data$X1, midwest_data$X10, sep = "-")) dates <- dates[!] values <- values[!] dates <- ymd(dates) midwest_gas <- data_frame(date = dates, price = values) midwest_gas <- arrange(midwest_gas, dates) ``` --- ## Now we can make a plot! ```r library(ggplot2) ggplot(midwest_gas, aes(x = date, y = price)) + geom_line() ``` ![](1-Files_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png)<!-- --> --- ## Reading Excel Data Download the midwest.xls file to your current working directory (`getwd()`) ```r library(readxl) midwest2 <- read_excel("midwest.xls") head(midwest2) ``` Something isn't quite right here... ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 11 ## `Year-Month` `Week 1` X__1 `Week 2` X__2 `Week 3` X__3 `Week 4` X__4 ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 <NA> End Date Value End Date Value End Date Value End Date Value ## 2 1994-Nov <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> 39779 1.122 ## 3 1994-Dec 39786 1.086 39793 1.057 39800 1.039 39807 1.027 ## 4 1995-Jan 39448 1.025 39455 1.046 39462 1.031 39469 1.054 ## 5 1995-Feb 39483 1.045 39490 1.04 39497 1.031 39504 1.052 ## 6 1995-Mar 39512 1.053 39519 1.042 39526 1.048 39533 1.065 ## # ... with 2 more variables: `Week 5` <chr>, X__5 <chr> ``` --- ## Reading Excel Data: Attempt #2 The 2nd row of the excel file also contains variable names. Let's skip the first this time. We can then rename the first column. ```r library(readxl) midwest2 <- read_excel("midwest.xls", skip = 1) names(midwest2)[1] <- "Year-Month" head(midwest2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 11 ## `Year-Month` `End Date` Value `End Date__1` Value__1 ## <chr> <dttm> <dbl> <dttm> <dbl> ## 1 1994-Nov NA NA NA NA ## 2 1994-Dec 2012-12-05 00:00:00 1.09 2012-12-12 00:00:00 1.06 ## 3 1995-Jan 2012-01-02 00:00:00 1.02 2012-01-09 00:00:00 1.05 ## 4 1995-Feb 2012-02-06 00:00:00 1.04 2012-02-13 00:00:00 1.04 ## 5 1995-Mar 2012-03-06 00:00:00 1.05 2012-03-13 00:00:00 1.04 ## 6 1995-Apr 2012-04-03 00:00:00 1.09 2012-04-10 00:00:00 1.11 ## # ... with 6 more variables: `End Date__2` <dttm>, Value__2 <dbl>, `End ## # Date__3` <dttm>, Value__3 <dbl>, `End Date__4` <dttm>, Value__4 <dbl> ``` Better, but not yet perfect... --- ## `foreign` Package - Other file formats can be read using the functions from package `foreign` - SPSS: `read.spss` - SAS: `read.xport` - Minitab: `read.mtp` - Systat: `read.systat` --- class: inverse ## Your Turn (~2 minutes) The NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Survey) publishes data in the SAS xport format: 1. Scroll to the bottom, choose one of the datasets (Demographics, Examination, etc.). Download the Data file (XPT) 2. Use `read.xport()` to load the file into R 3. Briefly examine the dataset you've imported (use `head` or `tail`, etc)