Jan 07, 2020, Location TBD
Haley Jeppson, hjeppson@iastate.edu.
Sam Tyner, sctyner@iastate.edu.
Heike Hofmann, hofmann@iastate.edu.
In Programming with data you get a head start with the statistical software R. R has gained a huge number of users in the last years and the number of methods from add-on packages is growing rapidly. The course will be data centric, with lots of different data sets that illustrate examples of the different techniques used for different problems.
The course will be a mix of instruction and follow-up exercises. It will be held in a computer lab but you are encouraged to bring your own laptops, with software already loaded. A list of software is available to help you prepare your machine for the workshop.Date | Notes | Lecture and Resources |
9:00 – 9:15 | Setting Up | This will make sure that everybody's system is up and running. You should try to install R ahead of time, so that this time can be used to address potential problems. 1-Setup.R 1-Setup.Rmd |
9:15 – 10:15 | Motivating Example | First taste of R: Jumping right into it to get an idea of how to use R and what it is capable of. 2-MotivatingExample.R 2-MotivatingExample.Rmd tips.csv |
10:15 – 11:15 | Basics | Working with data and learning about vectors, indexing vectors, and additional statistical functions.
3-Basics.R 3-Basics.Rmd R Reference Card |
11:15 – 11:45 | Break | |
11:45 – 12:45 | Data Structures | Using and examining the other data structures that are available in R.
4-DataStructures.R 4-DataStructures.Rmd |
12:45 – 1:45 | Lunch Break | |
1:45 – 2:45 | Packages and Basic Programming | Introduction to packages and finding useful packages. We will also cover simple programming constructs to make your life easier with R.
5-PackagesProgramming.R 5-PackagesProgramming.Rmd |
2:45 – 3:00 | Break | 3:00 – 4:00 | Working with Regular Expressions | Learn about using regular expressions for parsing data
6-RegularExpressions.Rmd |
After the end of the this one course, we expect you to be able to do the following:
You can bring your own laptop and work on it, if you like to. In order to keep up with everybody else, we're asking that you start installing the following pieces of software ahead of coming to the workshop:
Recommended Reading: